Monday, September 24, 2007

My Papa

Well, seems like the news just isn't getting any better. We found out yesterday (Sunday) that Papa's cancer is in Stage 4 and that he's not going to be able to beat it. The doctors said that if he does the treatment he will have an average of about a year left and if he decides not to do it he has around 4-6 months average.
I am overwhelmed with so many emotions right now, it's crazy! Everything came as such a shock because it all seemed to happen so fast. I mean, one day they are in Rome on vacation for 10 days and a week later he's got cancer in 3 major areas!! The whole family has been a bit overwhelmed! The amazing part of the whole thing is that I've seen God more through this experience than I probably ever have. Maybe it's because I've really had to lean on Him to get me through this and I wasn't doing that as much when I didn't "have" to. I'm ashamed to say it but it's true. It seems that's God's showing me now that I really do NEED Him. He's the only one that can bring me peace. I'm sad when I think of how many times I've probably not noticed God working in my life just because I wasn't in tune with Him. It's amazing to me how "real" he has been in the past week.
I'm so thankful for the family I have and how each one of them is turning to God at this horrible time. My mom was down in Montgomery with Mimi and Papa most of last week and I got to hear lots of different emotions coming from her. Just to give one example, my mom and uncle Chris had been at the hospital all day one day last week and were feeling pretty down about Papa's condition. He seemed very weak and wasn't eating and it was just a very depressing day. Uncle Chris had told my Aunt Susie (his wife) all about this and after they hung up the phone she began to pray that when Mom and Chris got back up to the hospital that night they would receive some encouragement from the situation. Well, when they got back up to the hospital Mom said Papa was a completely different person. He was sitting up in bed, had a little color, and seemed in a better mood, though he still hadn't eaten. They had made little goodie bags for the nurses who had been helping them at the hospital. When Papa saw this he told Uncle Chris that he wanted some candy! Chris said "Okay Dad, what kind would you like?" Papa said "Snickers." After he got done with the snickers he looked over at my mom and said "I want another candy!" Mom said, "Okay Dad, do you want another snickers?" Papa said, "No...I want something different...I don't want to get bored!" (Mom- I paraphrased what you told me, hopefully it's pretty much the way it all happened) Isn't that hilarious??? I was so excited to hear that Papa hadn't lost his sense of humor completely! It was just the laugh that Mom and Chris needed to keep them going. That's the power of prayer!! I thought it was such a good story I wanted to share it. There are many others but I don't have the time to write them all out. It's definitely been highs and lows of all different kinds of emotions but I'm blessed to be a part of a family that puts its trust in God. He will get us all through this tough time. I'm thankful for all the friends who are praying for our family. Keep it going we definitely will continue to need it.


Dahls said...

I am so sorry Jennifer. It is amazing though how God can use something so horrible to bring you closer to Him. It is going to be hard, but keep trusting in God and you will be Ok. Love you so much buddy. Thanks for babysitting last night.

The Warriors said...

We will definitely keep you guys in our prayers! God is the best comforter we wonderful that he is just as amazing at bringing good where there seems to be none!

JR and Hilari said...

Jennifer, it is amazing to see how God works in your life during these times. You really do find peace when you depend on him to give it to you. I went through a similar situation with my grandmother a few years ago and I think I matured spiritually be cause of it. Unfortunately, we have to go through these trials to learn how to lean on Him. I'm so sorry girl and I understand your sadness. JR and I will pray for you and your family.

Love Hilari