Well, tomorrow is our 6 year anniversary! I can't believe it's already been 6 years! It's been so wonderful so far and I look forward to many more years to come. We're celebrating tomorrow by starting off the day serving over at Boone Park Elementary school. Boone Park has become such a special school to me and Jarred. It truly has a place in both of our hearts! Boone Park is made up of practically 100% of kids that are on free or reduced lunches. We're told that the small percentage that aren't on the free lunches aren't on them only because they didn't complete the paperwork. Jarred and I, along w/ a good friend, Holly, have been in charge of our church's partnership with this school for the last 2 years. Our church is the school's Official Partner in Education. We help with several events throughout the year but the Back to School Bash (the event tomorrow) is by far the biggest. We provide school supplies for EVERY child that will attend BP in the Fall. We put on this event and invite all the prospective students and their families to come out, play games with our members/volunteers, sign up for school, eat some lunch, and fellowship. It's AMAZING! So, we'll start our day with that and we'll probably end it by having a nice dinner and relaxing at the house. Our present to ourselves was The Complete First Season of Glee!! We love it- actually was I supposed to say WE??? I guess I did though, didn't I??? Haha, Jarred likes it to but if you ever asked him about it he'd deny it, I'm sure! I'll leave you with some pictures of Jarred and I through the years!!
Happy 6 year Anniversary Jarred!! I love you more today than I ever thought possible! I can't wait to see what the next 60 years have in store for us! It's so wonderful to spend my life w/ my best friend. You're my favorite!
A couple of years ago at New Year's Eve at the Tappe's. The picture cracks me up so I had to use it!
This was at our 5 year anniversary trip to Belize last year! We were just about to repel down the mountain...LONG hike to the top, I was wasted! So much fun!
This was this year's beach trip with my family back in June. It's the most recent picture I have of me & Jarred. My aunt is such a good photographer!